Earn CityCash and save money - it's a token of our thanks to you...
Cardiff City FC is delighted to announce the launch of CityCash – a loyalty reward scheme for all qualifying 2016/17 General & Corporate Season Ticket Holders, Gold Members and Junior Bluebirds Members.Below is an infographic highlighting the ways in which CityCash can benefit you - click on it for a larger version. Basics of the scheme including full terms & conditions and FAQs can be found further on in this article.
CLICK HERE for a list ofCLICK HERE or Terms & Conditions -for a full list of FAQs.
Each qualifying Season Ticket Holder and Member will begin with a starting balance of up to £5. CityCash can be earned on the purchase of official merchandise, selected home league match tickets, hospitality packages, corporate club events and additional rewards.*
CityCash can be redeemed (in person or online until 31/5/17) on the purchase of merchandise, selected home league matches, corporate club events, 2016/17 Half Season Tickets, 2017/18 Season Tickets & Memberships.*
*Terms & Conditions apply (CLICK HERE)
Qualifiying Season Ticket Holders and Members have automatically been enrolled in to the CityCash Scheme. Those who purchase a Season Ticket, Half Season Ticket or Membership subsequent to today’s launch will be automatically enrolled in to the CityCash Scheme 48 hours after registration. All enrolled in the CityCash scheme are deemed to have accepted and agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions of use which can be viewed via the link above. Qualifying Season Ticket Holders who are also Junior Bluebirds Members will be entitled to Season Ticket Holder CityCash Scheme amounts only.
To log in to your personalised CityCash account to check your balance and transaction history, simply visit www.cityasone.co.uk and enter your surname and fan number. A loyalty statement will also be emailed to you at the start of each month. Remember to check that your contact details are up to date by logging into your Eticketing or Online Store accounts.
If you are not currently a Season Ticket Holder or Member and would like to take advantage of our CityCash Scheme, please call the Ticket Office on 0845 345 1400. For additional information regarding Memberships, click here. If you have any queries regarding the CityCash Scheme, please email citycash@cardiffcityfc.co.uk or CLICK HERE for FAQs.